Why launching a personal contact based training in the midst of a pandemic is not "too soon".

Person A: “Knock knock!”
Person B: “Who’s there?”
Person A: “The interrupting cow”
Person B: “The interru…
Person A: “MOOOOOOH!”
Timing is crucial when delivering a joke, no matter how cheesy…
This holds true for the technical execution of the joke, but timing is also of essence when it comes to picking your topic to joke about. Humor is great to help digest difficult situations, but being overly eager to unleash your creativity on a recent unfortunate event will easily put you in the “too soon!” corner, with the heavy weight of an awkward silence on your shoulders. It is therefore crucial to understand what your audience needs and when they are ready to accept your creative brainchild.
There are a lot of parallels when it comes to launching a business. So does it actually make sense to launch a business that relies on bringing people physically together in the midst of a global pandemic, where people are (rightfully) locking themselves up in their homes and try to do as much as possible remotely? Or is this also “too soon!”…?
Tilt – Improv Based Learning does indeed aim to get the most out of person-to-person interaction, and we do agree that this is not what we should be doing right now. It will therefore e.g. not be possible to book us for the coming few weeks and we will also be closely monitoring what experts recommend.
But we also believe strongly in the principle of practicing what you preach!
Tilt – Improv Based Learning offers to train you in an innovative way in a series of skills that are essential both in business as when improvising on stage. One of those skills is “Positivity”, a personal favorite. So while there is indeed a valid concern about the current global situation, there is also a lot of positive news about countries that are getting a grip on the contamination figures, companies that are reopening,… These positive trends give hope for the future. A future that we are all carefully planning at the moment. And we are positive that in that future our audience (= you!) definitely will benefit from improved skills in dealing with unexpected situations, bringing your vision about the future across with a story, creativity and much more. So we are more than eager to plan this future together with you!
Launching right now does come with a risk, but no worries! Risk-taking is also part of our portfolio…
And even if this would turn out to have been a terrible idea that failed miserably… We’ll just pick ourselves up, brush off the dust and give it a new try, this time with an excellent extra showcase for our “dealing with failure” module!
So in conclusion, I think you can understand why we think launching Tilt – Improv Based Learning right now is not “too soon!”. Let's get in contact to plan the future training programs for your team/company together, and thereby avoid this launch is followed by an awkward silence!
Find out more about our portfolio at www.tiltlearning.com and get in touch with us at info@tiltlearning.com!